In additional to global shipping, Curbside Pickup is available for all orders made online before 10:30AM. Pickups are made from 5833 Armour Dr, Houston, TX 77020, please bring your order confirmation with you and only attend once you have recieved an email to confirm your order is ready.
If you have any questions about ordering and collections please see our FAQ's or Contact Us.
Chain Sling FAQ's
We're constantly expanding this area to bring you answers to your Frequently Asked Questions about Chain Sling Certification & Compliance
Are your chains fully tested & compliant with ASME and OSHA?
Answer...Our chain slings and components are fully compliant with OSHA and ASME regulations. Each sling we manufacture is load-tested and certified to be 100% compliant.
What load is applied during the testing process?
Answer...We load test each chain leg to 2 X the Working Load Limit (WLL)
How often do I need to re-test my chain sling?
Answer...You should only need to re-test your chain sling if it has been modified or subject to a suspected overload.
How often do I need to inspect/re-certify my chain sling?
Answer...Besides a pre-use inspection before every lift your chains need inspecting and re-certifying every 6 months to remain compliant.
I broke my safety catch, can I still use my sling?
Answer...Generally speaking no, you should replace your safety catch as soon as possible. Some inspectors will give a small tollerance of time for replacing this component, others will condemn the item immediately- consult your inspection body.
Do the slings come with tags?
Answer...Yes, each sling is tagged with a robust steel tag which includes a unique serial/ID number which provides full manufacture traceability as well as stating the sling Working Load Limits (WLL's)