William Hackett Chain Slings

William Hackett Chain Slings

William Hackett Chain Slings are distributed by SlingSmarter from the United States. Manufactured right here in Houston, Texas, WH slings are built and tested to 2X the Working Load Limit of each leg so you can be absolutely sure of the best safety guaranteed with every purchase.

Quality & Durability In Every William Hackett Chain Sling

When you buy a William Hackett Chain system you're buying a quality, versatile investment which is designed to serve you for years to come. Did you know you should never mix & match chain components? When the time comes to replace components you'll be able to purchase the correct genuine components from SlingSmarter™.

You'll recieve valid test certification along with your uniquely serialed sling at your door in as little as 2 days from your order.

Who are William Hackett

WH was founded in England, United Kingdom back in 1892 with roots begining in agriculture before forging their way in to the lifting market in later years, and more recently, in to the United States. In 2021 we began distributing William Hackett Grade 100 chain slings and components in the United States and beyond from the factory in Houston, Texas.

Chain Sling FAQ's

Are your chains fully tested & compliant with ASME and OSHA?

What load is applied during the testing process?

How often do I need to re-test my chain sling?

How often do I need to inspect/re-certify my chain sling?

I broke my safety catch, can I still use my sling?

Do the slings come with tags?